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Get Set Tokyo

Get Ready! Our school is getting active with Team GB and Paralympics GB by joining the Travel to Tokyo challenge. We want you to beat weekly goals by getting active as a family. There’s weekly prizes to be won too!




Use the Presentations at the bottom of the page to find out more.

1. Should all sports resume soon? Persuade me.

2. Which sport would you like added to our PE in school? Why? How would it benefit others? What new skills will be learnt?

3. What is your best sporting memory? By you, a favourite player or team. Describe what happened and how you felt.

4. Which is the hardest sport to learn? Why?

5. Design your own home triathlon (3 events). Write instructions for activities so that others can follow.

6. If the 2 best football players in the world do not play in the premier league, why is it considered the best in the world?

7. Where do sports originate? What sports can you find that are played in other countries but are either less popular or not played in this country at all?

8. Why do you support the team that your do? Explain in your own words.

9. What is the greatest sports team in the world? Why? Compare with other great sports teams. You could even compare with different sports, e.g. Real Madrid and New York Yankees.

10. Where and when was the first Olympic games? What events were there?

11. How has the Olympic games changed throughout history?

12. The Romans used to force gladiators to compete in life threatening events. Write a diary entry from the perspective of a gladiator.

13. How have playground games developed from those in Victorian times

Logo challenge


The entry form is attached at the foot of this page as Sports Logos.  Alternatively, send a photograph or scan of your entry to

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay happy.